I have no idea where all the willpower I had after I had Emmalee went. From the day I had her till Jan of 2006 I had lost 72 lbs total. I felt awesome and so much closer to the real me. Ummmm now I am close to what I used to be. I can't be myself and do the things I love like volleyball, hiking, biking etc. I want to. I was gonna play volleyball w/ my ward tonight but chickened out. I KNOW I won't be able to play, dive, spike like I used to and so I bummed out of it.
At this point I usually feel sorryf or myself, get bummed and then inevitably eat more to "comfort", then get mad. Then I will say the famous line: "I will start my diet tomorrow". Ya right! I need to do something.
The kids will be with Mike's parents tomorrow thru next sunday. So since I will not be rushing around caring for 3 kids (just 1 low maitenance baby!)I want to get the habit in of waking up earlier, exercising and eating better. I think a low stress, less housework week will help.
I need to make exercising fun again. I am more of an outdoors, play sports exerciser. Tapes and such bore me. I just need to get over that though since the AZ heat won't allow that right now. I plan on doing walk away the piunds 3x a week, followed by using my weight machine 2-3x a week and doing yogilates almost everyday. I LOVE yogilates. I feel so renewed afterwards.
I wanna be thin enough by winter to play at the park with my kids again..I miss that. So my dear friends please help motivate me, pretty please!
As I said before the older 2 kiddos will be going to Nana and Pap Price's for the week. What will I do??? My good friend Shanna's kids were w/ her mom this week, why couldn't it be next week so we could play kid free!!!??? I am guessing I will have a lot less housework. I may just finish my latest quilt, make some jewelry, scrapbook and possibly paint?? I have a few places that need touch-ups. I am thinking of painting my cabinets antique black too. Or maybe read a book..it has been ages. I also need to catch up on my digital scrapbooking. I can also hold Peyton w/out having to get up to help Emm or Dawson. It should be nice. Still I will miss my babies.
Mike and I are gonna get out on a date. I really wanna go see Harry Potter or Transformers, hint-hint MIke :). Our last date was when Peyton was 2 mos old..he is almost 5 mos now.....
Chritmas time!
8 years ago
I am so with you friend. I have no motivation. I don't know what my deal is either!!!! I wish we lived by each other, then we could do fun stuff together!!! One friend of mine made a comment on my blog, she said remember how fun it is to be skinny. I do remember, and I want it. So I put a pair of my skinny pants on my wall and a skinny picture on my fridge. It helps, that doesn't mean that I still want cookies or something more to eat. I don't know if I am much help. Maybe we can help each other out, by being online buddies. Email me whenever you feel tempted and I will do the same. What is yogitlates. I love pilates, but haven't tried yoga. I would love to try it. Where do you get the video?? Let me know if I can help out in any other way. I hope I was a help. You are amazing and I know you can do it!!! Keep the faith sista!
Hey Patti!
Missed you today! I hope you have fun with your kids gone, and I don't mean that to sound mean, but every once in a while, we moms deserve a break! Enjoy it!
Find a exercise companion. I have one and we get up every morning (while all the kids and hubby sleeps) and we walk 4 miles. Then I come home and run one and do Yoga. This realyl starts my day out great and I feel so good.
Obviusly (if you have been reading my blog) I haven't mastered the actual "weight loss" thing yet. I think I need to see someone about it, cause I am not eating a lot at all and have even resorted to counting calories and my total intake on a good day is about 1,800. So clearly I am not over eating.
But getting out and about, even starting slow (at least 30-minutes a day) will start you off on a good foot.
If we lived closer, you could be part of our walking routine.
Good Luck and keep us updated on what you decided to do.
And as Tiff said, we will all wear our "skinny" jeans again! Yes siree!
Patti, i found your comment at my blog and came searching for you! Found you on tiffany's blog. Thanks for the comment. I totally can relate to the not feeling like yourself. Havaing had four kids in five years, my body is let's say not as desireable as I would like. You did it before and you can do it again! You know you can! Keep up the good work.
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