Okay this is really bothering me. Unless I have plans, I wake up in the morning around 8 or 9 am..when the kids get up. I feed them and most mornings I am just so tired I don't do much of anything in the morning and if I have plans I am so slow to start, so that means it is always rush time to go anywhere. I just can't get myself going in the morning. Then in the afternoon it is catch up time on chores, etc. Then at night I catch up more on the house and sometimes I can't fall asleep till one or two. I also have zero energy, which doesn't motivate me to exercise, etc. Then at like 9 att night I get a burst of energy. Okay that would be great if being a SAHM was done on graveyard shift, but hello it isn't. What's the deal????
I know I am not depressed. I am very happy, just unmotivated at the moment. This whole cycle does make me feel lazy and unproductive though, which innevitably brings on guilt. I need energy and I need to change my cycle to early to bed (like 10 or 11) and early to rise like by 6:30 or 7. I know I would get more done early, have time alone and feel so much better about myself. The more I try the harder it is to get out of this cycle.
I love how I feel when I wake up w/ a bit of energy and get things done. It is the best feeling. Someone help me please. How can I change my cycle and feel more like a morning person. I guess I need discipline first, huh??
Chritmas time!
8 years ago
Check out sottopelletherapy.com and got to women. Look at the symptoms check list and see if you have any of these. Email me and I will tell you all about it. I am currently doing this therapy and I LOVE IT!!!!! It helped me get my energy back and a few other things to boot.
I say just chill...you are a busy mom and you can get yourself on a better schedule once school starts. Doesn't Dawson start kindergarten? or 1st? Plus you just had another baby! Enjoy being a bit lazier than you want because once school starts you'll be up earlier than you want to anyway!!! xoxoxoxo your a great mom and person.
Hey Yo!
I totally understand this. I went through this every single night Mike was gone, so we're looking at about 5 years of me staying up late! I have been "making" myself change, that is, getting up at 5:00 to work out. I have done this for about 2 months now and love it. I get TONS done in the house, and I am exhausted come about 11 pm. The trick, I go walking with a friend or use my treadmil. Once that bad boy came inside it's been loads easier to get up.
But, I have to agree with Amy. Summertime is a time for relaxing and getting off the regular schedule of things. PLUS, you did just have a baby too! (Like she said) so give yourself some credit! Things will normalize for you, be patient and take care of yourself.
Man, Patti--I've been feeling the same way lately! I could just blame it on the stupid hot weather, (and I KNOW it's hotter down there than it is here!), but I know that's not it. I've wondered lately if being tired all the time is just the mark of a mom with young kids. Hey--when you find out how to get your motivation back, will you shoot some of it my way? :)
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