Wednesday, October 03, 2007

I'm Still Alive, lol...

I have had a few friends email me and ask me if I am still alive and I am! I have been pretty busy. I have also been in a posting funk. Nothing much exciting going on. I have just had a lot of projects and errands lately.

Peyton is completely mobile. He was army crawling in small areas starting at 5 mos. Then a few days before he hit 7 mos, he began to army crawl thru the WHOLE HOUSE! Needless to say I have been busy chasing him around and keeping him entertained. He doesn't like his swing or saucer much these days. If I have work to do and put him in there he gets mad, so I let him crawl around and I end up getting side tracked. Oh well. I love my little boy and his crazy personality. He is a serious spaz. He is always smiling, laughing and moving.

I lost 2 lbs this week. I got a cool little weight watcher's points digital calculator. My paper one got wet and is ruined and for $10 more I bought the cool little digital one. I got it today and so starting tomorrow I can really keep track of my points again!

I am so excited for conference. It is going to be so sad not seeing President Faust though. I am anxious to see who the new counselor and the new 12 is though. I am craving to hear the messages this year. I need it.

We had Woman's Conference last week and they made a afternoon out of it. We had a Stake Enrichment Activity before and it was a lot of fun. It was nice to be without my 3 kids for a few hours and get some spirituality. I keep wondering what is going to be happening in the next few years. I noticed in the talks and at church lately the repeat of "Don't put it off" (we all know what our it's are). Our ward has really stressed having a ward plan for emergancies, getting out of debt (I am glad all we have is student loans and mortgage) and food storage. It makes me wonder what is coming.

I have had some experiences lately that have really made me realize I can't take my testimony for granted. I know that this church is true and I try to live the way I should, but I really don't get the spirituality I need on a day to day basis. I am trying to get back in the habit of doing scripture study. It may mean waking up before the kids..yikes! Anyone that knows me well knows that I am barely functional before 9 am, I wake up at 6 am and it takes that long to "wake up". So that will be a difficult step for me. I just want to be more in tune to help others and to be a nicer mommy. I know he is always with me, I need his help with things and I know I need to make a better effort to feel his guidance. I never want to lose the faith that I have and so I do need to nourish it better.

I just know that when I am atleast putting forth the effort to study my scriptures and live right I feel like I am trying my best despite my weaknesses and I can accpet my best better then. Does that make sense?

Well I am stealing a line from Mike's cousin Tiffany but Tsunamai Dawson, Emmalee and Peyton hit and the results were horrible on the house. So I am off to clean..Yay!

1 comment:

kh said...

Yeah! I am so happy to see you blogging again! I can only imagine you've been busy with Iddy Biddy Bling, and good for you. I really hope it's a success.

"Tsunamai" ha ha ha... Love it.

My Weight Loss