Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Just a small, simple post on prayer

I have been so busy lately and feel so rushed. ofcourse that makes me feel like I am "droppin" the ball" so to speak on all my mom/wife duties. I am a worrier by nature and so I can get overwhelmed easily. So this week has been difficult.

This last sunday we had a lesson in Relief Society on Earnest prayers. Well I was sitting here feeling stressed and like I needed to vent. Then I thought, I don't wanna bore my friend's with my stresss right now and I don't want to gossip onmy kids..that oly feeds the fire sometimes, lol. So i thought I don't have anyone to vent to.

That is when the thought that I get ad usually ignore when I am in the middle of a stress moment.."Pray...Now!". I usually brush it off and decide I will pray when I am in a better mindset or hen the kids are down for a nap or later in the day. I know I should be doing the opposite and try to pray in the moment I feel like I need to, but don't. Well I decided that I was gonna go pray because I needed it.

I put Peyton in his crib, I put Alvin and the Chipmunks on for Emmalee and snuck into my room. A girl in my ward had mentioned some ways to have a more earnest and humble prayer. She said that you need to picture Heavenly Father and have the mindset that you are having a conversation with him. I don't always do that and my prayers are usually rushed. I am usually a morning/night and quick prayer in my head type of person. So I decided to try that.

I got down on my knees and spoke to my Heavenly Father out loud. I have not had such a peaceful feeling after a prayer in a long time I am ashamed to say. I was able to get all my worries or stresses out to him, get some direcion and clarity and most important get some peace. I realized that by waiting till things calmed down or when I was feeling better, I was hindering myself. When else is a prayer more sincere or more humble than when you are in the moment? I know I have heard that before, but I am stubborn and I didn't let that sink in before. I now it is true now more than ever.

I am going to make a challenge for myself that right when I have a challenge I need to pray. I Know that our Heavenly Father loves us all very much.

1 comment:

Teanne said...

You are a great example! Thank you so much for posting your insight about prayer. I needed to hear that. I need to get more sincere in my prayers as well. It is so nice to have that calm, spritual feeling.
Thank you!

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