Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Oh the fun I have had

Okay so if you haven't noticed the theme of my blog lately is sickness. Well I have been the good mama and taken my kids in when they were sick. However I am a hypocrite and never went in. I HATE going to the Dr, so I avoid it at all costs. I tried to treat my colds, etc on my own with natural stuff and it helped a bit, sometimes curing it. Still I think a bit lingered. I went to the Dr. today and I found out that I have a double ear infection (I thought only kids got those??) and a nasty sinus infection. The Dr gave me an antibiotic and some flonase. He told me I have to get my bad allergies in tact to keep from getting so sick again. So I am drugged up good at the moment..ibuprofin, cipro, flonase, nyquil. Boy I feel weird.

I better get better fast because I hate being out of comisson. I have had to cancel playdates, Activity Days, my visiting tecahers from coming and I have missed 3 T-Ball games. Emmalee is bored out of her mind. I think so much candyland and old maid is too much for her. There are parts of my house you do not want to enter. My dear sweet husband helped me with the laundry this weekend and with the kids cleaned a bit. Mike has also made a lot of dinners this last week. I love him so much! I am so thankful for my family and the help they are. My mom came to visit saturday. Mike was out on a Scout campout, so it was me against the kiddos. (It wasn't too bad). She took one look at me and sent me to bed and took care of the kids. I slept for 4..yes 4 hours! I haven't been sleeping well in weeks because of this so it was so wonderful. I hope I am better by the weekend because Mike and I had planned to go out on a date.

Emmalee is going to start preschool in the fall. A girl in my ward's mom used to work at Dawson's school and even developed some of the curriculums there. So it is exactly where I want Emmalee to go. I am so excited for her and for me! She is getting so bored at home and I can look forward to alone, one on one time with my little guy Peyton. I also can't wait to see all she will learn!

Well I am off to bed. 'Nite

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