Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Making up for not blogging..very long!

Okay after getting chastised for being such a slacker, I am blogging an update on our family. It has been a rough 3 months full of germs, cough syrup and disinfectant. I thought we were done then 2 weeks ago all 3 kids got a cold accompanied by a nasty cough. Then of course mommy got it. Let me tell you it kicked my butt too. Then this last week I got yet another one that if you were to call me at the moment you would ask me 'how many packs a day?'. I sound bad. All weekend Peyton had a fever. I took him in yesterday. He has a sinus infection and what looks like an ear infection waiting to happen. So he is on antibiotics for the 4th time in 2 months, ugh! My poor baby. He seems to feel a bit better after 2 doses of augmentin. He is up and playing, which is a great improvement. I pray that with the warm weather and school being out in a month that the sickies will stay away from our home.

As a result of all these sick bugs, and teething his molars, Peyton has been waking up 3, 4, 5 and yes even 6 times a night. I would love to say I have been a patient, never complaining mom through it, but not so much. If you know me well or have been one of my roommates in the past, I am not a morning person at all. Wen I wake up (especially multiple times) I am not myself. I feel bad that I have complained about my sweet baby. I never showed it to him though! This sweet reminder has definitely foiled any ideas that I have had or Mike has prompted about having #4 anytime soon. I love my sleep.

Dawson started T-ball last month. A lot of our ward friends have been involved in it, our Primary Prez is the coach! Mike is even one of the assistant coaches. It has been so comical watching these 5 and 6 year olds play. I love it! He is doing so well in school. Just one problem. He has been slacking on getting his work done on time. We were stumped as to why at first, but we think he may not be challenged enough. Finally he admitted that his work is so easy. I am not sure how it can be so easy. He is a first grader reading like a 3rd grader, and doing multiplication and division, but somehow it isn't enough. So he should be put in a more challenging class next year. That is what I love about his school. They put each kid in the class that will not under or over challenge them. So we will see how that goes next year.

My dear Emmalee, whom I love so much, is still my challenge. She is a sass! I swear I do not give in to her much, but almost everyday she still fights and gets sent to the corner for talking back to me or whining when I tell her no or to do something. I am not sure what to do, but hope it is a phase that will pass. I know it must be amplified because we have all been cooped up through all this sickness. (Imiss our play dates, joyschool, babysitting swaps and sewing group immensely! I need my socialization). She is loving primary and her friends. Dance class starts again this week and hopefully by tomorrow we will all be well enough to go! She has been so in to coloring and computer games lately. It really helps me out when i need to do things like clean, or work (or play, lol) on the computer. She sits next to me and plays on the kids laptop (aka my old laptop) while I work on mine!

Peyton is 14 mos now. He is so close to walking, but is still unsure of his footing. I know he will be like Emmalee and just one day in the next few weeks be walking..no running right away. He loves cats and dogs. He calls our cats, Serafina and Tallie and our dog, Buffie, "Bobs". I am not sure where he came up with that but it is freakin' cute the way he says it. He also can say Baby, up, go, hi, bye-bye, mama, dada, baba (even though he doesn't use them anymore), no, yay and I am sure a few others. He is so much fun! He has the best personality. He can seriously change your mood to good no matter how much of a bad mood you are in. He is also the biggest Mama's boy ever. I love when he is sick or gets hurts, Mike will pick him up and he immediately looks and calls for me :).

Mike is still working hard. He is waiting on a new job. A good friend he used to work with is being promoted to branch manager of their media firm and wants to bring Mike on in the next few months. We are patiently waiting for that call, as it would mean he would finally be getting paid what he is worth. Plus the office politics at his job are awful. I could go on but shouldn't. He would also be able to excel to a senior engineer a lot faster at the new place. I am seriously so proud of him. He has fought his way up the latter and gotten promotions that most people with his degree wouldn't. He is a fast learner with an unbelievable drive and work ethic. He was called to Scout Master for the Deacon's Quorum last may and loves the calling even when there are only 2 boys in there..soon to be just 1. I think the camp outs are his favorite part.

I am just hanging out at home a lot since we have all been sick. The only outing I have had in the last 2 weeks are running errands. I am hoping Peyton and I are feeling better in the next few days because I miss socialization. I am thinking about starting school again this fall. I took a 2 yr hiatus, but would like to get going again. Only one class at a time this time. 3 or 4 proved to be too much with babysitting and kids. Now that I am not babysitting and Emmalee will hopefully starting preschool in the fall I can do it. Actually I may take 2 classes. I would like to do one academic and one fun class. Probably voice class or something fun. I have took a break from doing my Etsy boutique. It has been nice, but I am thinking about starting at least the bracelets up soon. The sewing would take up too much time, so I will wait on that. I want to start a Dyson fund with my earnings. I borrowed my sister-in-law Teanne's and I want one so bad. I have wood floors and to skip one step (sweeping) would be awesome. Plus our vacuum is gonna last too much longer..I hope, lol. I have been on Weight Watchers for 6 weeks and lost 14 lbs. It has been harder this time around, but I will NOT give up.

That is our last few months in a nutshell. I will add pictures in the above post!

1 comment:

Joey & Tiffanye said...

Yeah, Jordan and Rashelle are in June, and I am due in August. 3 more boys! yay. Sounds like you have been super busy! I hope all the sickies go away!

My Weight Loss