I have been so dang busy lately. I have been getting ready for Dawson to start school, getting caught up on housework, doing some bracelet orders and my poor Peyton has thrush. He has been quite fussy, but today is so much more himself. I feel so bad for him. I have also had a heavy mind on a matter, so it has been hard to get on and I have been trying to find the words to explain my feelings at this time.
Well to start Dawson started school on Wed 8/6. Here is a pic of him before we left for the bus:
He was so excited. The night before school Mike finally cut his hair! He wanted to grow it out for summer. I personally like it short and clean cut better. I am a mom though, lol. Then he gave him a beautiful Father's Blessing. I am so greatful to have a husband who is a worth priesthood holder and is always happy to give a family member or friend a blessing whenever it is needed. Then we caved and gave him one of his birtday presents: a camoflauge backpack, lunch box and water bottle. I couldn't wait till his bday to give it to him. It seemed to make him even more excited about going.
Well the next morning he was up and ready so quick. I asked him if he would like me to take him to school and walk him to class for the 1st day like I did for kindergarten and he said no, he wanted to ride the bus with his friends. That made me a bit sad, my baby is growing up.
I really like his teacher. He is really organized, seems very fun and is very motivating. He has a reading olympics program and has challeneged each student to read a book w/ mom and dad for 15 minutes a day. Dawson is determined to do this. Each month that they read on almost every school day they get a toy or candy prize. The first one to read 50 hours will get an award at the end of the ward assembly. Tis means reading even on the weekend. Dawson is so wanting to do this. I am so glad he loves learning so much.
I have had a heavy mind the last few days. One of my friends I have known for many years has decided to leave the church. It has really hit me hard. It started that she was trying to find for herself that the Book of Mormon was true. She began wanting "proof" not just faith. So as I understand she began to look at anti stuff, which is so full of inaccuracies. I guess she was still praying and asking for proof, but in honestly it seems like she was looking for it to be wrong instead of looking to see if her heart felt it was right. I have always learned that you could search the daylights out of religious topics or scientific topics and "validate" or "unvalidate" (is that a word, lol)it.
It has really saddened me. I just do not understand how anyone can go from a lifetime of being LDS, a temple marriage, children, having a priesthood older in their home and feeling the stirrings of the spirit to not believing. I have had too mnay times where I have felt the sweet wpirit of the lord so strong that I just could not deny it. Granted I may not always live as I should to a "T",(and who does) but I still know that the church is true. I have had my times that I haven't been as motivated to be as spiritual as I could, but I still could never deny that I know the gospel is true.
I guess that I am just simple. The church is true and I know it by how I feel in my heart and when I try to live a Christ-like life. No questions about it, end of story.
I bore my testimony to my friend and had really prayed as to what to say. She thanked me but said that her mind was made up. It made me cry. I truly pray that the spirit may crept into her heart and that she will have a change of heart. I also know that I cannot control how others feel and if she doesn't then I have to accept it. It just breaks my heart.
If anything this experience has really reaffirmed my testimony and motivated me to be a better example to others and read my scriptures more often. I do not ever want to let my guard down. I was also able to asnwer some questions and clear up some misconceptions about the LDS church to some of my non-member friends. You see this friend and I are on a birthclub message board together since the time I was pregnant with Emmalee. I heard some crazy misconceptions too. I am glad that me and a few of the other LDS girls on there were able to clear those up.
Well I am sure that I had more to say but I cannot remember. So I may type some more later.
Oh I forgot to add how sad I was to hear that President Faust passed away this morning. He was such an amazing, sweet, intelligent and wonderful man. He will be missed, but I knw he is in a better place.
Chritmas time!
8 years ago
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