Thursday, May 10, 2007

Being a Mom is such a blessing!

I just love my new baby! I hope no one gets sick of me saying that. Peyton has just made me the happiest I have been in a long time. His sweet smile and laugh just uplift my heart. He is so sweet and easy and so fun!!! I feel so blessed to have his sweet little spirit in my home. I love #3 because I know what I am doing now and Mike isn't working 2 jobs anymore so it has been a much easier, low stress baby time. I love rocking him to sleep and singing to him.I love Dawson and Emmalee and seeing them mature. I love how eager they are to help with their baby brother and how protective they are of him. I love how much they love Peyton and I love when Peyton looks over at them and smiles and laughs.I love how smart Dawson is. I am so impressed with how well he is doing in school. He is learning at a first grade level and doing first grade schoolwork. He is so cute when he tells jokes. He has the kindest heart and would never intentionally hurt anyone.I love how confident and outgoing Emmalee is. She loves making friends. We were at walmart today and the family infront of us had a girl Emm's age. She went right up to her and introduced herself and talked with her. Then she came to me and said "Mommy I made a new girlfriend!". I love how she loves to play tea party and dress-up. My most favorite thing is how much she loves reading books with me.Being a Mommy isn't always easy, but the blessings definetly outweigh the hard times!What do You love about your kids and being a mommy??

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hi Patti. I've enjoyed looking at your blog and glad you're liking being a new Mom. It's an adventure, and I'm sure more so with a third baby! See you Sunday!

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