Monday, October 06, 2008

Prayers Were Answered!!

This morning Emmalee, Peyton and I were headed to Target to get Peyton some new shoes, and then the park (since it is finally cool enough out). We got to the car, and I realized I had left my wallet and cell phone in the house. I had the kids in the car and so I closed the door and locked it. I would be back in less than a minute, but still.

I got my stuff came out and Emmalee had buckled up already. Emmalee does not know how to unbuckle. Do you see where this is going yet? I had left my keys in the ignition amd my spare keys were in my purse, which was in the car. So yeah my poor babies were locked in the car.

I felt like mother of the year! I tried to calmly coax Emmalee into trying to unbuckle. She couldn't and freaked out everytime I asked her to try again. It was very hard to keep my cool with what had happened and her screaming. If you ahve heard Emmalee scream you know what I mean.

By some small miracle, I had forgotten to lock the door to the house. I knew there was one more spare key somewherein the junk drawer or in te bedroom.. So I ransacked the house and it was no where to be seen. I looked in the junked drawer atleast 5 times and even emptied it.

I decided then to pray. I asked Heavenly Father to either help me find the other spare key or to inspire Emmalee to unbuckle her carseat. I went out again and tried to help Emmalee unbuckle and still no luck. She just screamed.

I went back in and looked in a few new places with no luck. Then the thought came to me to look in the junk drawer, again, for the 6th time. I took everything out again and low and behold there was the spare. I took it out and tried it on the driver side door and it wouldn't open. I tried on the back driver's side door and no luck. I was beyond frustrated at this point, but still praying so hard.

I went to the fron passenger door and it wouldn't open. I prayed again. When I was done I remembered Mike had told me this key was tricky. I felt like I shouldn't push the key all the way in, but instead almost all the way. Am I making sense?? I did this and.....VOILA!!!! door opened!! I got in a quickly thanked Heavenly Father for this small, but important miracle!

I always knew he answers us but sometimes we need the small reminders like this to tell us he is here and will help us in all aspects.


Teanne said...

Thank you for telling us this story. I used to pray every time I lost something or needed something as a kid, but now I guess I need to hear a story like that to be reminded. It brought tears to my eyes that only after you prayed could you find that key- the 6th time you looked! That is a miracle. Even small miracles like that are faith building.

Anonymous said...

yeah I'd be panicked...good work calling on higher help! PS that's a fun looking Twilight trailer!

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