I have had a few friends remind me that I haven't updated my blog in a while. I have been busy, yet it feels like nothing has been accomplished. I have not been able to get caught up on my housework since we got back from camping on labor day. I just can't seem to keep up with everything and no matter how much I do I cannot even make a dent in my to do list. I know it is all part of life though. I just wish there was a way to get things flowing a bot smoother and keep it that way longer than a few days to a week.
I am one who likes things in order but I am a scatter-brain and dyslexic when it comes to my thinking and organizing. It can be pain staking for me to organize. My thoughts get so scrambled. Anyone else like this? It is worse when my house is in total organizational chaos. It gets to the point that I put things off. I do not like this.
Plus I just don't have time to get "me" things done like scriptures/prayer, shower (till like 5 pm) or even exercise or eat right. I want bettering me time.
I know I need to write things down to get them straight but I just need advice on making my house more functional and organized on a daily basis? I am a cleaning freak and I still can't get it all straight. I hope that made sense. I am a bit tired so I probably rambled.
Things are good here. Peyton seems to finally be over his thrush *knock on wood* and no more ear infections. He is sick with a cold now though. I do love that he wants to cuddle more now though. He is almost completly crawling. I give him one more week or so and I think he will have that milestone marked off. He does get around the house great though and I am trying to get things babyproofed. I cannot believe my baby will be 7 months on friday. I seriously do not want my baby to grow up. I am so attached and close to this child. Not that I am any less attached to my other kids, but I know to well how fast they grow and become less dependant on mama.
Dawson is doing great in school. he got his progress report last week and he has all A's and a 95% average in school. He is reading like a champ and I now have to find 2-3 books to keep him reading 15 minutes a day. Usually he wants to keep reading and reads for a total of 30-45 minutes. I am proud of him and love that kid so much.
Emmalee is back in dance class and loves it. Her new teacher is teaching tap, ballet and jazz. She really seems to have a nack for dancing and I hope she will keep it up. She is talking like she is 5 and we have some great conversations. It is so crazy how girls mature faster than boys.
Mike is working hard at work and scouts. he really loves being a scout master and is working so hard at developing a 2 yr plan for his group. He is the best husband ever and I love him so much.
I have had a few big bracelet orders and I am trying to finish my sewing projects. I finished my shopping cart cover and now I am starting on Emmalee's Cinderella costume tomorrow. I really love sewing. I still have a long way to go but I really enjoy sewing.
I have been sick this week and I am praying that this cold goes away so I can feel normal again, lol.
Chritmas time!
8 years ago
YEAH!! An update!! I have been checking your blog constantly for the past few weeks. I am sorry that you feel so overwhelmed about things. If it helps, I am the same way. I can get my house clean but keeping it that way is like a joke!! Just remember that to be the best mama you can, you need to have some you time. A friend out here taught me that!!
Patti! Yeah you ARE alive! I am so happy that you are back. AND I completely know (and fully understand) the whole craziness of getting the house back in order. It seems that when the house is a mess so are the lives that live in it! Hope you feel better soon!
Where are you sending Emmalee for dance? Mati has been on my back about this and I am lost as to where to put her. Could you give me the details? THANK YOU!
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