Thursday, December 11, 2008

Ideas jumbling around in my head....

Many of you know that I make jewelry. I used to sell a lot, but lately it just doesn't sell on Ebay and Etsy (too competitive). I have been tossing an idea around in my head for a few years and I am really wanting to do it badly now. I have been thinking about starting a little side business of doing beading parties. Not parties like Scentsy or Pampered Chef, but birthday parties. I would come and show girls how to bead a bracelet and then they would make their own. I think it would be a lot of fun and girls would love it!

I would have lots of styles, and embellisements to choose from from very basic to name bracelets. The prices would start at $10-$15 per girl for basic and end around $25 to $30 per girl for fancier or name bracelets. It would be a fun activity and I would include a goody bag for each girl.

I really want to do this but don't know how to get started, so I figured I would post it on my blog. Please share your input!!

Second I would really love to do a craft boutique. I just need to get the $$dough to get an inventory and info on craft boutiques. So if anyone knows of craft boutiques coming up with atleast a few months prep time I would love info!


kh said...

Go for it Patti! That is a wonderful idea. I love the birthday thing. So smart. Too expensive for me, but I KNOW there are mommies out there with a lot of dough for just that stuff!

Good luck! You do such beautiful work too!

The Tanners said...

I think your party idea is a great idea! I would pass out little birthday-card-like business cards with your info to people that you know. Word of mouth spreads fast and with a unique business card-they are sure to remember it and less likely to throw it away. With your creativity, I am sure you can make something adorable! As far as craft boutiques, I am not sure. But I would look into craft fairs. A lot of times the craft boutiques will have info on these. There is a great one in Mesa next to Neilsen's frozen yogurt place. Check with them or many others. Maybe check with craft stores-they may know since it helps their sales go up if people enter them. Hope this helps-great ideas!

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