Monday, November 24, 2008



Saturday my Sister-in-law, Teanne and I went and saw Twilight together. It was a lot of fun. Ofcourse we had to go to Cafe Rio first! Teanne has NEVER been and looks like I made another Cafe Rio fan.

We had so much fun. It is kinda weird that Teanne and I have never really had a girls night out. We hang out with the family or we will have play dates with the kids, but we never went out alone before. It was so much fun and we found we had more in common than we knew. I hope we will continue having girl's nights out Teanne! I know neither of us get them enough!

We were able to find a lesser known but great theater. Sorry I cannot give the info out, because the regulars wanna keep it little known. So it was a huge relief that on a saturday there was just a group of four ahead of us an hour before the movie! So we sat and chatted about what else, but Twilight and Stephenie Meyer!

Now for my take on the Movie. I really liked it. I didn't like it as much as the book, but I did like it. I think I expected too much though. I had to remind myself how hard it had to be to write a 2 hour script out of a 500 page book. I liked most of the beginning, but thought they sped the plot up too fast, and left out some crucial things. Nothing is ever as good as reading a book though...especially Twilight!

I did love how the last half of the movie was played. I felt like the moment Edward took Bella to meet the Cullen's that he seemed like Edward and the chemistry was perfect. I think from then on the movie was like I imagined it. I LOVED the baseball scene.

I think they chose the cast very wisely. Bella and Charlie were portrayed well. Carlisle was perfect. I loved Jasper's pain look, that cracked me up. Edward was great and Alice was perfect. She had the look and the voice I imagined.

By the end of the movie I didn't want it to end. I loved how they tied the end into New Moon. I really am positive that New Moon will be way better. They will have a bigger budget and the characters are developed so no akwardness.


Anonymous said...

you spoke my mind. I think the movie needed more details too. Well I'm happy you & Teanna got out alone, even though I wish I was there too, but sounds like you guys needed it to happen at some point! Will catch up again someday. Happy THANKSGIVING!!!!!!!!!!! yummy.

Teanne said...

You did a perfect review of the movie! You are right on. That was SOOO much fun. I told Billy we want to make it a once a month thing. Let's totally do that! We'll go to Cafe Rio every time! haha. You did make a fan of me.

The Tanners said...

I am going to have to read these books I guess-everyone is talking and posting about them. Cafe Rio is really good-Nate's sister took me there not too long ago. Your kids are so adorable-way too big though! Terra

Tiff Hunt said...

I saw the movie on Saturday, I liked it ok! I HATED the constant look of constipation on Jaspers face. I did like Alice though! I didn't like Rosealee very much though. I thought Carlisle looked fake. All in all the movie was good. I hope New Moon is so much better!!

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