Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I have been tagged by Tiffany Dansie

6 things about me. Hopefully I can think of 6 things, lol. I am pretty boring.

Let's see...

1. At first meeting (or second or even third) I may seem shy, but once I get to know someone that goes out the window.

2. I always bite off more than I can chew. I get big plans with projects and in my true nature, I procrastinate with a lot of them and then STRESS OUT! It drives Mike crazy.

3. I wore braces for 5 years (from 11-16). In my first highschool dance picture my date and I both flash some nice metal mouths.

4. I LOVE things clean and tidy but I am unfortunately an easily side-tracked, not organized minded person so it is an everyday battle to keep things neat and tidy and I don't always win.

5. Oh I am so excited to say that I lost 8 lbs last week!

6. I started college at 17. I got a nice head start but with changing majors a few times I still at 29 have not graduated. I have a TON of credits, but no degree yet. I took the last 3 semesters off because of being preggo and plan on taking at least one class again soon. I have a good 5-8 years before I could even use a degree anyways so I have time.

That was hard but those are 6 boring things about me, lol.

I tag Tiffany Larsen, Tiffany Hunt, Nicole Lopeman, Melanie Steyskal, Amy Holly and Amanda Segaburg.

1 comment:

Tiffanyrose said...

I am going to reply here because I have on on my blog I just did.

1. I drove a car (with help) when I was 10 years old. It was on a back country road and I was sitting on my moms lap.

2. I like to stay out late with my best girlfriend. Remember when we stayed out all night TPing everyone we knew? THE BIG SPIDER ALMOST GOT US TOO!!

3. I was a bit of loose lips (kissing wise) when I was in college. I never really kissed alot before that and it was like the flood gates were opened once I hit college. Don't worry, they are under control now!

4. I do not gain much weight during pregnancy, only 10-15 pounds. It is after WHILE I am nursing that the curse begins. Lucky me huh?!

5. I have a green thumb. I inherited this from my dad. I have had a chance to really test it out here in NC and I have to say, I am pretty good!

6. I am not sure what my natural hair color is. I have been coloring my hair for 16 years now. I think it might be dark brown but I know that some grey hair is starting to make an appearance.

My Weight Loss