Thursday, June 09, 2005

Stuck at 35 lbs lost..grrr!!!

I am up .4 lbs, grrr!! I was very faithful with my points and charting them. I was talking to my WW leader last night. I was saying how even though I am still losing I feel somewhat stuck. Since April 1st I have only lost 8 lbs. Usually I lose 8-10 lbs a month. I have been within a few pounds of being under 200 lbs for weeks now. I just wanna get under. She suggested that I might wanna get more faithful with exercise and also since I am within 3 lbs of lowering my daily points from 26-24, that I might as well do it now. I started today and I hope that it makes a difference. I wanna be under 200 next week.

I want to be close to 170 by labor day. We go up camping up north with Mike's family every labor day. I was thin only the first time I went up in 2000. So I haven't been in condition to Hike or do anything fun since I have had kids. So if I can be close to 170 by then I know I could handle hiking again.

I also wanna be atleast 150 (my WW goal weight) by December 21st, my birthday. Mike wants to take me to the Hyatt Compass room for dinner. But only if I fit into my bridesmaid dress from my Best Friends wedding by my Bday. I am sure I could fit into it at 150 or even 160 lbs. I think I was 145 at the time of the wedding and it was a little loose.

I also need to be more dedicated to exercising. I am always so tired from the kids that I can't get myslef in the mood. Isn't it funny you have to exercise to get extra energy, but where do you get the energy you need to start? I am trying to talk Mike into exercising with me. He is fine how he is to me, but he tells me he wants to lose the extra 5 lbs in his belly (I think it's cute!). So I am trying to get him to do it with me. He just s doing workout tapes. So I am trying to talk him into buying a home gym and a treadmill. Walmart has a knock-off bowflex for $200 something dollars and we could probably find a used treadmill for $100. Since we cancelled my gym time to get there now...We could put the gym dues in saving and make up for buying the stuff in about a year. Mike is really hard to talk into taking money out of savings though. BUt I am getting closer to him agreeing to it.

After I hit my WW goal wait I wanna lose an additional 5-10 lbs. Then Hopefully by this time next year I will be preggo or atleast trying. I can't wait to have another baby. Emmalee is still so my baby, but she is getting big fast. So while I am not totally ready for another one (I have to lose this weight for health reasons before we have another baby) I am really starting to miss the sweetness of a new baby. It is such a special time.

Well that's all for now. I feel more inspired after writing new goals down.


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My Weight Loss